
WordPress Theme Documentation


The recommended installation method is via the WordPress dashboard. If this feature is not available when using a third-party hosting service we recommend viewing their knowledge base on how to upload custom themes.

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to the 'Appearance' section via the sidebar navigation.
  • Select the 'Add New' button located at the top of the page then 'Upload Theme'.
  • Select 'Choose File' and use your systems explorer to navigate to the theme archive file (.zip) - which can be found within the 'theme' directory of the download archive.
  • Select 'Activate' on the newly installed theme.
  • Upon activation of the theme you will be redirected to the theme intro page, which will provide quick access to useful pages such as the customizer, recommended plugin installation, and theme support.

Demo Content

If you're installing the theme onto a fresh install of WordPress then you may also choose to also install the demo content to better explore how the theme functions. We do not recommend installing the demo content if you're running a production blog as this could conflict with your existing content.

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to the 'Tools' section via the sidebar navigation, followed by 'Import'.
  • Select 'WordPress' from the provided options and follow on-screen instructions. If the WordPress import plugin is not installed you may be prompted to first install it.
  • When prompted to upload the demo XML file, navigate to the 'demo-contents/themename-demo.xml' file in your download archive.
  • Continue with the provided on-screen instructions. When asked ensure to check the 'Download and import file attachments' option.
  • The demo import process may take some time, you will be notified via an on-screen message when it has completed.


The recommended method of installing theme updates is via the 'Envato Market' plugin, this provides theme update notifications and installation directly within your WordPress dashboard.

If you instead choose to update manually, then this can be done by temporarily activating an alternative theme, deleting the currently installed theme version, and then installing the latest version via the installation method detailed above.


Upon activation of the theme you will be presented with a prompt requesting that you install the theme recommended plugins. It is recommended that you install these plugins for full theme functionality. While installation is optional, some theme functionality may be missing or limited if they are not installed.

  • On the provided WordPress dashboard prompt, select 'Begin installing plugin(s)'.
  • Check all the plugins you wish to install, and select 'Install' from the bulk options dropdown followed by 'Apply'.
  • The plugins will then be download. Once this has completed select 'Return to Required Plugins Installer'.
  • Recheck all plugins again, and select 'Activate' from the bulk options dropdown followed by 'Apply'.

If you have chosen to omit a particular plugin and wish to install it at a later date you can do so via the WordPress dashboard under the 'Appearance' section followed by 'Install Plugins'. If you wish to manage already installed plugins this can be done via the 'Plugins' section of your WordPress dashboard.

Ecko Plugin

Provides theme specific functionality and widgets. Installation of this plugin is highly recommend. More information on widgets can be found within the 'Widgets' section.

Ecko Blocks

Provides a number of Gutenberg blocks for use within the WordPress Gutenberg editor. More information on blocks can be found within the 'Gutenberg' section.

Regenerate Thumbnails

Adds functionality to regenerate all existing media images. When installing a new theme on an established blog with existing content it is recommended that media images are regenerated to optimize performance. Upon plugin activation this process can be run via the 'Tools' section of your WordPress dashboard.

Categories Images

Adds support for an image to be assigned to each category, which is used as a supporting image throughout the theme - such as a cover image. This plugin is optional and can be omitted without effecting theme functionality.

Envato Market

Provides in-dashboard installation and updating of themes. This is the recommended method for theme updates. Upon plugin activation navigate to the 'Envato Market' section of your WordPress dashboard for configuration.

Yeost SEO

Implements a number of beneficial SEO features, including JSON-LD which is the Google recommended schema for presenting structured data to search engines. This plugin is optional and can be omitted without effecting theme functionality.



All theme customization options are located in the WordPress customizer, this can be found within your WordPress dashboard under the 'Appearance' section. Customizer options are preserved when updating to a new version of the theme.


The Gutenberg editor is supported by the theme - including all core blocks. As well as the default blocks, the bundled 'Ecko Blocks' plugin provides a number of additional blocks, and expands the functionality of certain core blocks.

Category Color

Each post category can have an assigned color which will be used as a visual indicator for the category. This functionality can be found within your WordPress dashboard by navigating to the 'Posts' section, followed by 'Categories'. Select 'Edit' on the category you wish to assign a color.

Author Profile

Within each post is an author profile which provides a overview of the post author, such as the author name, biography and social links. These options can be configured via your WordPress dashboard by navigating to the 'Users' section. Mouse over the user you wish to modify and select 'Edit'.

Author Avatar

Author avatars use the Gravatar service, which is default for avatars in WordPress. If you are already using Gravatar with your author email there is no setup required. If you haven't setup a Gravatar account, and wish to display a avatar on your blog you can register and configure this via the Gravatar website.

If you want to use locally uploaded avatars then this can be achieved using the 'WP User Avatar' third-party plugin, which can be installed via your WordPress dashboard.

Menus & Navigation

Menus and navigation items can be configured either via the customizer, or within your WordPress dashboard by navigating to the 'Appearance' section, followed by 'Menus'. Ensure to set a 'Theme Location' for created menus within the provided menu options. The 'Ecko Navigation' widget is also available for sidebars (and drawers if present), this will display the navigation set for the 'Primary' theme location.

Language & Translations

If you are running a non-English publication and need to change the theme default texts we recommend the use of the 'Loco Translate' third-party plugin for such translations. This plugin will allow you to translate strings directly within the WordPress dashboard.

Instead if would prefer to manually create translations you can find the POT translation file within the themes 'languages' directory - we only suggest this method for advanced users who are familiar with POT file translations.

Gulp (Developers)

For developers we include all source assets as well as a gulpfile for building. Providing you have npm installed on your system you can install the dev dependencies using the 'npm install' command, and start the Gulp default task using 'gulp' command.

Post Options

Post specific theme options can be found within the post editor. These options appear within the right sidebar section under 'Theme Post Options'. These options are optional and will use defaults if not modified. Along with these custom options is the 'Featured Image' option to upload an associated post image.

Enable Post Cover Title
If enabled, will use the cover title style for this post. The post 'Featured Image' will be used as the background.
Post Subtitle
Set a subtitle which is shown below the post title on the post page.
Cover Height (%)
Override the default (100%) height of the cover title. Leave empty for default value.
Cover Background Color (HEX)
Override the default background color of the cover title. Leave empty for default value.
Center Post Title
If enabled, will center the standard and cover post title styles.
Show Postlist Image
If enabled, will show the 'Featued Image' image above the title in the post list (Standard format only).
Featured Image
It is recommended that all posts and pages have an assigned feature image. The optimal image size for this is 1920x1080. The theme will resize this image based on various factors such as its container size and users viewport size, this may result in cropping of the image. For this reason we don't recommend the use of text within this image.

Post Formats

The theme supports the use of WordPress post formats - these change how the post is displayed within the post list based on its post content. A post format can be assigned to a post via the right-hand sidebar of the edit post page.

Displays the default post style, which requires no configuration.
Aside & Status
Displays the first paragraph of the post, without the default post information. The post content must contain a paragraph block as the first element.
Displays an image in addition to the default post information. The post content must contain an image block as the first element.
Displays a gallery in addition to the default post information. The post content must contain a gallery block as the first element.
Displays a quote, without the default post information. The post content must contain a gallery block as the first element.
Video & Audio
Displays a video or audio embed in addition to the default post information. The post content must contain an emebed block as the first element.
Displays the default post information, with the post title instead linking to the assigned external link. The post content must contain a link element, and the first link within the post content will be used.


We have built-in support for third-party services that are commonly used in WordPress publications. Below is an overview of available integrations and how to configure them.

MailChimp Subscriptions

This feature allows you to display a styled subscription form within the theme using the MailChimp service. If you already have a MailChimp mailing list configured then this can be used, alternatively a new account and mailing list can be created via the MailChimp website. The below step-by-step guide will walk you through obtaining an embed code and its integration.

  • Log in to your MailChimp dashboard, and navigate to 'Lists'.
  • Choose from your mailing lists which you would like use, then select the dropdown arrow for this list, followed by the 'Signup Forms' option.
  • Select 'Embedded Forms' for the available options.
  • Select the 'Unstyled' form style from the available options.
  • Uncheck all checkboxes and select 'Show only required fields'.
  • Copy the provided embed code for your generated form.


Included with the theme are number of custom widgets which can be used within widget areas, such as any sidebars or drawer sections. Access to these widgets requires that the 'Ecko Plugin' plugin is installed and activated.

Configuration of widgets can be done via the customizer, or within the WordPress dashboard by navigating to the 'Appearance' section, followed by 'Widgets'. If no widgets are assigned to a widget area then the theme default widgets will be used.

Ecko Author Profile
Display author biography and social links. This widget will only be visible on post or custom pages.
Ecko Blog Info
Display blog logo, description, and social profiles. These elements may vary depending on the active theme.
Ecko Latest Posts
Display the latest blog posts.
Ecko Navigation
Display the primary theme navigation.
Ecko Feature Post
Display a single chosen feature post.
Ecko Related Posts
Display related blog posts. This widget will only be visible on post pages.
Ecko Random Posts
Display randomly selected posts from all posts.
Ecko Share
Add Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Reddit, Pinterest & LinkedIn share buttons.
Ecko Social (Blog)
Display blog specific social profiles.
Ecko Social (Author)
Display author specific social profiles. This widget will only be visible on post or custom pages.
Ecko Subscription
Subscription form for MailChimp. See below for configuration information.
Ecko Twitter
Display timeline Tweets. See below for configuration information.
Ecko Advertisement
Display an 300 width by 250 height AdSense advert.

Twitter Widget

The included Twitter widget allows you to display a users latest timeline tweets. This requires configuration of a Twitter application to authenticate with Twitter. The below step-by-step guide will walk you through configuring a Twitter application and connecting the widget.

  • Log in to the Twitter Application dashboard.
  • Select 'Create New App'.
  • Complete the required form fields. The 'Callback URL' can be left blank.
  • Once created, select 'Keys and Access Tokens' from the tabbed navigation.
  • Select 'Create my access token' found at the bottom of the page.
  • In a new window/tab, log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the 'Appearance' section, followed by 'Widgets'.
  • Add the 'Ecko Twitter' widget to an available sidebar and configure the presented options. The API Key, API Key Secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret can be found on your created Twitter Application page.
  • Select 'Save' to save your changes to this widget.

The Twitter results are cached to improve performance. If you are receiving any errors after configuring the widget ensure your API credentials have been entered correctly.

Subscription Widget

The included Subscription widget allows you to display a MailChimp email subscription form. More information on how to obtain and configure a MailChimp embed code can be found within the 'Features' section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you can find a list of commonly asked questions for our WordPress themes. If you have a question which does not appear below feel free to get in contact via our support site - more information can be found within the support section.

How do I make modifications to the themes CSS style?
If you want to make minor adjustments to the theme via CSS we suggest using the 'Additional CSS' option found within the customizer. If you intend to make significant changes to the themes CSS then we instead suggest using a child theme.
Where can I find the un-minified CSS and JS assets?
All source files, such as Sass and JavaScript assets, can be found in the '/src' directory.
The Twitter widget is not showing my latest tweets, how do I fix this?
If you are not seeing tweets appear within the widget then this is most likely to be caused by incorrect API credentials, ensure you have correctly entered these credentials within the widget options.
Why does Typography appear distorted when using a non-English language?
Within the customizer enable the 'Use Extended Character Set' option found within the 'General' section - this will enable extended character sets on supported fonts.
Why do post images appear zoomed in and/or distorted?
If you are installing the theme on a blog which already has content uploaded you will need to regenerate your blog images so the theme can display the optimal resolution. To do this navigate to 'Tools' then 'Regen. Thumbnails' within your WordPress dashboard. If source images are too small in size, or use an aspect ratio which is different from the recommended these images may appear distorted.
How can I upload custom author avatars?
Author avatars are managed via the Gravatar web service by default in WordPress. This associates a users email address to an assigned avatar, which is displayed within the theme for that particular author. If you instead wish to use locally uploaded avatars then this can be achieved using the 'WP User Avatar' third-party plugin, which can be installed via your WordPress dashboard.
How do I integrate Google Analytics?
We recommend using a third-party plugin to add Google Analytics support as this will persist through theme changes.
How do I install the theme recommended plugins?
Upon activation of the theme you will receive a prompt at the top of your WordPress dashboard requesting you to install the bundled plugins, this will guide you through installing the theme recommended plugins. If you have not received this prompt navigate to 'Install Plugins' within the 'Appearance' section of your WordPress dashboard.
The demo import fails or displays an empty page, how do I fix this?
This issue occurs when the import process runs into your servers configured PHP memory limit. If you have access to the PHP configuration file you can manually increase the limit. If you are using a shared hosting service we suggest consulting your hosting provider.
I have encountered a bug or theme related issue, how do I report this?
If you have encountered a bug or theme related issue submit a ticket on our support site. Provide as much information related to the issue as possible, such as screen-shots, any error messages, device/OS/browser used, and a link to your publication - this will assist us in identifying the cause and providing a faster resolution.


Our support service is available to assist with any theme queries and to resolve theme bugs or defects. It does not include theme customization, modifications outside of the default theme options, or support for thirds-party plugins. A valid and active license is required to receive theme support.

  • Answering questions about how to use the theme
  • Answering technical questions about the theme
  • Help with defects or suspected bugs in the theme
  • Customization
  • Hosting, server environment, or software queries
  • Assistance with third-party assets

If you have any queries, bug reports, or features requests, please submit a ticket on our support site using the button below. Before submitting a new support ticket please ensure your query has not been answered already within our knowledge base or documentation.

When submitting your ticket provide as much information related to the query/issue as possible; such as any screenshots, error messages, the device/browser used, and a link to your publication - as this will assist us in providing a faster resolution to your ticket. We aim to answer all tickets within one business day, any tickets submitted during the weekend will be answered on the following business day.

Create a Support Ticket